티스토리 뷰

Songcheolho there is a growing interest in Ulsan market. Song markets last June 13, to vote in local elections, a 52.9% ahead of Kim Market (40.1%), was elected mayor of Ulsan. The attached the nickname the "myth of the eight former 9th. Song said the market was running on all eight elections since 1992, including conservative six times stronger parliamentary elections in Ulsan (including re-elections) and mayor twice defeated 2016

Everything changes. Many have pointed out that the helpless look in the 'motherland crisis' process PK Democratic politicians have shown the factors that divert such voters. The choehawigwon parts, light wool mayor went wide eddy in the regular poll also not escape from the "Swamp of the motherland." Real-meter in the "September evaluation wide heads, performed 21 to 27 month

In the process daetujaeng spearheaded the work of human rights defense. This song brings the market at the time, said former President Roh Moo-hyun, called Busan, Ulsan, Gyeongnam human rights lawyer Moon Jae-trio with the president. Politics to the invitation of the President Roh became the instrument. Democratic Justice Party, a united Democratic Party, New Democratic Republican slogan worthy of a third former president is "regionalism break 'against the political party in 1990

Independent ran but lost to a candidate per saenuri time Bak Maeng-woo. It was the eighth gobae. Song is also close to the market and the former Minister of Justice homeland. Joe is a former minister in 2012 elections when the time songcheolho ties in charge of candidates sponsored by the president and the elections Measures Division. Kim, former mayor said, "the president doors, between the three of them have confidants, including former minister Joe, Songs market" in the 27th press conference

It was bought. The copyright belongs to the original writer of the content, and there may be errors in machine translation results.版 ??? 容 原作者 所有. 机器 ??? 果 可能 存在 ??. 原文 の 著作? は 原著 著 作者 に あ り, 機械 ?? の 結果 エ ラ? が 含 ま れ る こ と が あ り ま す. Hak cipta milik penulis asli dari konten, dan mungkin ditemukan kesalahan dalam hasil terjemahan mesin. B? N quy? N thu? C

did. Taehwa country garden was to create an area of ​​over 830,000 5452㎡ gu, Ulsan taehwadong, Mugeo-dong, Nam-gu, Sinjeong-dong Samho Earth. Six topics, including ecological garden and a bamboo garden has turned the 29 gardens thumb. Suncheon Bay area than the national gardens (920,000 6992㎡) is not small, but not artificially approximately 10 million ㎡. Hot! Daesup and seasonal flowers, etc. Just as much as possible the existing natural environment

6. Kim, Ki - Hyun stars can dispose cleared on all charges. 7. At the time of Ulsan Commissioner hwangunha Kim, Ki - Hyun, who headed the investigation naseom he would run as a Democrat lawmakers. 8. Democratic taltal rob seems to have surpassed choesunsil. * Gongsucheo saenggimyeon what's jilji fought an example of a well put. Gongsucheo is vain

8. Democratic taltal rob seems to have surpassed choesunsil. * Gongsucheo saenggimyeon what's jilji fought an example of a well put. Not haneunge gongsucheo that the vain dictatorship means for static elimination. [Source] Bulletin) seemed to burst country national nongdan. | By not win the presidential Dark Silver is also juneunde push a candidate in Ulsan Market

A symbol of the country's hot! Daesup garden celebrated the obvious crisis disappear several times in the urban development process. 1994 Taehwa waterfront doeja part of promoting the construction of an apartment changed into residential areas citizens waged a "Taihe of 1 square fraud Movement for the Preservation hot! Daesup and Taihe. The movement spread gotta kick civic apartment construction plans were withdrawn. Since waterfront Taehwa members gotta create the park by the citizens of the shelter

Animated. Ulsan is hot! Taehwa daesup members to receive support country garden operating expenses, nominal government expenditure in the year 3000 to 4000 million won nearly as from 2020 according to the country designated as a garden. Also the production inducement effect of 550 billion won until 2023 appears based on the Ulsan Development Institute services results were expected economic impact of the 5800 jobs created. The Garden State designated is considered a milestone in the country four ecological environment. Taehwa River is a river in the country industrialization process

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