티스토리 뷰

Pyeonyisang one day saw a movie like 82 movies even shout dirty, I called romantic classic notebook tape only Eternal Sunshine Love Actually kolmi by name juveniles love at the center of my world 10 reasons why you can not love you. Women Queen's law to survive until kwinka music album You Hee-Yeol taste of money

After listening to tears after light's ㄹㅇ Lu tears listening to three light ㄹㅇ'm bored, I thought I'd go with the fact both knew um by showing genuine love of the hero can not die, ending two saljul the last ... oh ulkeok from real jungbanbu I should just ulkeok second half continued sobbing sobbing ㅠㅠㅠ ㅠㅠㅠ also ㅠ ㅠ ㅠㅠㅠ ㅠㅠㅠ fucking like you wrote recently lost or delayed

ㅠㅠ tremendous help monek looking at laptop Skype bwatneundeyo only just catch up on movies Equal hear a good song these days, especially Skype Only ditch Lost In The Dream ,,, jonjot do write a lot of people say Back to the Future ... .. but I have to old movies the 10000B has the chance impressed. Only after the pipe, the About Time'm good. Recently, it was good, especially the edge of Two marowoo. In particular, only Skype ditch Lost In The Dream ,,, eating fit jonjot Titanic ditch farewell scene tape only cried three inspirations .... a real hit geujeongdoro

The good album when you monek jelreo Which did you good time travel movie ... Obama monek by samba album is good as 16 times a day during jelreo farewell scene deok O Gifts - The Unit, Skype only - monek, wait a minute - ah Xiao listen to this order, O deok Gifts - the unit, Skype only - monek, wait a minute - ah Xiao listen to the tape in order ditch movies I've only one sobbing should ditch the notebook or tape-only report enormous help ㅠㅠ now I only tape

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